Financial Professional Jon Fletcher

Jon Fletcher

Less Stress More Enjoyment
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Our Process

Getting You There

The First step in successful financial planning is to find out where you are in relation to what you want to achieve. To accomplish this, your Money Concepts Financial Planner will analyze your position and prepare this:

  • Personal Balance Sheet
  • Retirement Analysis
  • Family Needs
  • Investment Analysis
  • Education Analysis
  • Estate Transfer Analysis

Decide Where You Want To Be

You cannot achieve any level of success financially until you know your ultimate objectives. Therefore we will help you to:

  • Clarify Your Financial Goals
  • Prioritize Your Financial Objectives
  • Evaluate Your Investment Attitude

We'll Show You How To Get There

No matter how well you plan, financial success will not be achieved unless you take action. We will help you by:

  • Presenting A Financial Plan
  • Implementing Steps In Order of Your Priorities
  • Recommending appropriate Products and Programs
  • Planning Periodic Reviews
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Important Investing Information: Not all investments and services mentioned are available in all states. Money Concepts registered representatives are restricted to conduct business only with residents of a state and/or jurisdiction for which they are properly registered. When investing from outside of the United States, you are subject to the securities and tax regulations governing your jurisdiction. Contact us directly for detailed information about investment regulations outside of the United States. Registered Representatives State License Disclosure

Jon Fletcher is an independent contractor of Money Concepts
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